Dates for all the skouerskure in Johannesburg Central (Parkhurst) for 2010

Revised: April 27, 2010 Tags:

Dates for all the skouerskure in Johannesburg Central (Parkhurst) during 2010

Carrington Laughton, the facilitator of the 61 Mech Veterans skouerskure in Johannesburg Central (Parkhurst), has managed to secure some dates for this year skouerskure at the Steelhelmet shellhole of the Moths in Johannesburg Central (Parkhurst).

Please have a look at these dates and let Carrington Laughton know on 082 552 2178 or at if these dates fit the busy lives of the 61 Mech veterans in this area.

Here are the dates for our 61 Mech skouerskure (socials) to be held at the Steelhelmet shellhole of the Moths at the corner of 16th street and 2nd avenue in Parkhurst for 2010.

The skouerskure will start at 16h00 on the following dates:

1. Thursday, 29th April
2. Thursday, 27th May
3. Thursday, 24th June
4. Thursday, 29th July
5. Thursday, 26th August
6. Thursday, 30th September
7. Thursday, 28th October
8. Thursday, 25th November

What is a skouerskuur?

A skouerskuur is merely a social get together for 61 Mech veterans, where the veterans from all the years of our proud unit’s existence meet as combat teams on a regular basis to enjoy a drink and/or braai together.

We will support the bar facilities of the Moths shellhole where the prices are very good.

Membership of the Moths at the Steelhelmet shellhole

We want to encourage all our 61 Mech veterans to become involved with the local shellhole of the Moths in your area, because it is a mutually beneficial relationship.

You can get more information from Carrington Laughton about joining the Steelhelmet shellhole in Parkhurst, Johannesburg.


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